Saturday, July 2, 2011


It was a dimly lit room.You could barely see that swaying figure,amidst the smoky haze. But,what caught your attention when you got inside was the piercing odour of the ancient vomit,which was trying to decompose itself. Books lay torn on the ground. The wad of money and the credit cards that lay on the table was noticeable. So was a pack of unopened letters,with a handwritten address.

A photo was stuck on the back of the door. Four bobbing,smiling faces. But, it looked faded. Just beneath lay a bunch of porn magazines, crumpled as if somebody had clutched on to them like a vulture. The photos that stared back at you did not seem like the regulars. They hardly even looked like adults.

Packs of cigarettes were neatly arranged on the shelf. A lot many of them were in alphabetical order. Different names. Different colours. They hadn't been even opened yet. Broken bottles and syringes lay across the floor.

He was sitting in a pose reminiscent of meditation. But, he was swaying. His head was continuously twitching. He was giving a blank stare. His pupils were dilated.They hadn't seen bright lights for some time. Familiar sounds emanated from his laptop. But, he seemed unable to notice. His eyes kept focussing on a dark corner in the room. He wasn't wearing a shirt and bruise marks could be observed all over his body. Some bad. Some worse. His face could be hardly seen amidst his unkempt, long and dirty hair. Loud music blared from the speakers. Violent Music. Photos of beautiful, young girls adorned his wall. Some of them were encircled in red. Some of them were struck out. A bunch of red roses lay over the table. He hadn't stopped swaying.

In a nearby hospital,a middle aged man kept pacing the length of the waiting hall.  He was anxious.You could see the tension spilling out from his face.He seemed adrift in thoughts.The nurse came in."Everything went fine. See, I told you.There was no need to worry. She is fine. Go in. It's a girl." He barely mouthed a 'thank you' and rushed in. His wife was lying on the bed. She smiled at him and turned her eyes towards a small figure, lying beside her, wrapped up in towel. The baby was sleeping. He fell in love all over again. He kissed his wife and whispered 'She'll grow up to be as beautiful as you."

At the other end of the city, a police inspector was driving his car with sirens ablaze. He stopped suddenly near a garbage dump and got out. He noticed the huge crowd watching the scene in silence as his team combed through the area looking for evidence. He slowly walked towards the rotting corpse. It was a ghastly scene. There were many cuts and jabs in her body, as if she was tortured. "Twenty years of age. Evidence of drug use." The forensic surgeon murmured."Evidence of being raped as well." The inspector looked at her face and then noticed a red rose lying by its side.

"Bad business as usual eh, Sir?Need some coffee?"his constable asked. He removed his cap and nodded. It was already evening and at a distance, he could see the sun about to set. It's going to be a long night for him, he thought to himself.

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